28 February 2013

Get It Done - March, 2013

I am finally able to participate in my first Get it Done for the year. I have tons of things that need to be done and that I want to get done, but I have narrowed it down to just a few...needs that is.

My list for March---

             1. Complete 10 Dear Jane Blocks.
             2. Complete 5 Sylvia's Sampler blocks
             3. Quilt and Bind Decoy Schnibbles for April Class
             4. Cut, Sew, Quilt, Bind Schnibbles for May Class - Cindy Lou Who
             5. Finish Vista 1 sampler for work.

There are 5 things on my list this month because I have to get them done. It will be really nice when I can get more things on my want to get done list completed that is for sure.

I also decided to keep a little Get It Done list for knitting.

March ---

     1. Plain  yellow sock number 1 finished.
     2. Honey Cowl finished.

Check in next month to see if I actually accomplished anything.

For more Get It Done's head on over to Judy's....it is really helpful to see what others have finished off their goal list for the month. Motivating for sure.

Have a great day everyone.


22 February 2013

On The Needles 2/22/13

I'm back...well for this week anyway. I have been knitting during the move but not very much.

I have started another project though.

I am still working on my sock.  I just get side tracked with other things..like new projects..or applique that has to be done.

I started a honey cowl, almost done with that. I would really like to finish that soon. I just love, love, love this yarn.  It is Misti Alpaca, 83% cotton, 17% silk.  I really want to get me some more. It is really not as pink as this photo.  It is more fall autumn colors.

I then started a temperature scarf. It will be in a 8 rainbow colors. I have been keeping track of the temperature since the beginning of the year. I told my self I wouldn't cast on until the cowl was done but that didn't work too well. I have only done a couple of rows.  So I need to get going with that so I can finish that on time at the end of the year.

This scarf changes color depending on the temperature for the day. I have gone by increments of 10 degrees (I think). So the gray is the separator and then goes from blue all the way to yellow. Of course I have only done a couple of days here. I will end up doing 2 rows of seed stitch for every day of the year. I have a lot of catching up to do, almost all of Jan. and all of Feb.

I really need to get these projects done as my list of what is next is getting longer. I have another cowl, tons of socks, a summer sweater for me (a first attempt) and a kimono type cardigan for my mother (who has already asked me if I have started it yet)....I just need more time in the day or more days in a week. Unfortunately my time will be shortened since I have a heavier than normal work schedule next month..just let me say I hate taxes and furloughs.

For more needle candy head on over to Judy's.


18 February 2013

Design Wall Monday 2/18/2013

I just realized this is my first design wall of the new year. With the move and all I have just been very busy. But, alas my new design wall is put up.  It only took about 5 hours to do. It would have been a very easy task it I would have had dry wall up. Since I only have foundation walls down here in the basement on the outside walls it took along time, drilling into concrete is not a fun task, just ask my husband. But, the design wall is up in the hallway and is done. I do have to use pins to hold the blocks up, mainly because it is a hallway and with a teenager, a pre-teen, husband, cat and dog it is the easiest way to make sure my hard work does not move.

The new design wall.  This is 4 sections of sheathing/insulation, each section is 4x7. I thought it would be plenty big but....

Sylvia's Bridal Sampler, it is so long I put the first blocks on the ceiling.  Hubby thought it was quit interesting. There are more blocks hidden behind the bow tie blocks.

Dear Jane is starting to come together. It has been a bad word around here for quit a few months. I am just ready for it to be done. We have about 50 blocks left. So by the time we are done it will have been a little over 2 years that we have been working on it.  The scary thing....I am seriously considering doing another one....am I crazy or what.

I finally finished my bow tie blocks that I had been working on as leaders and enders. I know Bonnie Hunter and the crew finished awhile ago and moved onto spools but I just had too many left to do. But now these are ready to be sewn together and I already have started another leader and ender project. More on that later.

I tried to get the complete picture here but with the hallway not cooperating this was the best I could go. I sewed these into 9 patches and now have to sew them together. It is going to be a 9x7 setting I think or something crazy like that.
Now, I need an opinion. Should I find a border to put on it or just bind it. I am thinking of just binding it but then what color should I bind it. I don't have anymore of the cheddar. I thought about black and I also thought about scrappy.  What do you think?
Well that is what is on my Design Wall for this week and very well what will be up there for a while to come.  For more ideas head on over to Judy's.
Have a great day everyone,

17 February 2013

It's Starting to Come Together 2

I realized I forgot to post the few pictures of the quilt room since the move.

This hasn't seen a major improvement since the first pictures posted, other than more crap set in here.

This is walking in the door. I did get a new cover for my ironing board and had to shorten it since it didn't fit, but now have a smaller one next to the sewing machine.

This is walking in far enough to pass that weird hallway, see picture below. I have put my Koala table back together and now my room is much smaller. I don't know if it will stay like this but I have to much to do right now to move things around this week.

Here is the funky hallway.  I would really like to see if we need that little wall there. If I don't that may come down soon. It would give me some more room to play with moving my table around in there. If not I may be moving the stuff in the den area into this room and moving my sewing table out there. If I do that I can move the long arm into this room and then I would make the other bedroom a spare bedroom with extra stuff in there.  Who knows, it will probably be another 6 months to a year before I have everything figured out, maybe even longer.
I will be buying a nice sturdy long shelving unit to put in the "closet" in the sewing room. Right now it is just piled with my stuff that I haven't "gotten round to" and is an eye sore. I will get to that soon I hope it is just I need to sew, sew, sew.
Off to sew now, so have a great Sunday night.

16 February 2013

It's Starting To Come Together

Slowly but surely it is all starting to come together.  We have been in the house a 32 days and I am finally starting to get time to sew.  I still have a long way to go but that can be done a little bit at a time.

I took my Koala table apart because it didn't fit the way I wanted. After one night of sewing, two blocks, I now have the Koala table back together. I still may do some major rearranging although hubby doesn't know about it yet.

Living Room

Dining Room

Family room


My Bathroom

Living Room

Our Bedroom

Master Bathroom
Middle Son's Room - he was at a sleep over and little does he know he has to change his sheets when he gets home.

Youngest Sons bedroom...lol..couldn't wait for him to wake up

This is in the corner of the dining room. Holds all of the Tinkerbell's I used to collect. They are now so commercially found I no longer collect them.
I have 3 gallons of paint for both boys room's and my bathroom so that will be on the agenda for the next month or so, whenever I am caught up on sewing stuff...hmm..maybe they will never get painted.  I also have new curtains to hang in the family room. All the other curtains were left here from the previous owners and they are not my cup of tea so they will all be replaced eventually.
I am also hoping this summer to get the paint off the fireplace..but that is another subject all together.
I am off to sew before my Sylvia's class this afternoon.
I did get my new design wall up...stay tuned for Monday for the great unveiling.
Have a great Saturday everyone.

12 February 2013

Whatcha Reading

I am finally returning to a life of normalcy after the move, well almost anyway. I have been wanting to get back to blogging so here I am.

My whatcha reading for this week is a book I started Sunday and pretty much finished yesterday. My husband was laughing at me because I was sitting on the couch just "crying like a baby"...he just commented that I found another tear jerker to read. 

Kristin Hannah is one of my favorite authors. Although I must say I have to psyche myself up top read her books because 99% of the time I am in tears.

Home Front by Kristin Hannah was this weeks choice for me.

Home Front

You can read about this book on the link above.

I can say that this book had a different perspective on being deployed to Iraq.  This came from a woman's view and her deployment and how it upset her family.

I would recommend this book to anyone that wants a serious cry...lol..just keep a box of Kleenex close by.

For more "Whatcha Reading" head on over to Judy's. I have started keeping a little list next to the computer to write down some interesting reads...only because I have so much time..

Have a wonderful day everyone.
