26 October 2012

On the Needles 10/26/2012

I haven't done a lot of knitting lately. I have either been appliqueing or reading...alot or reading. I started this sock over a month ago but finally decided to do a little bit here and there so I am making progress..just a little on the slow side. These are slouch socks and aren't as long as I thought but I added a couple of extra rows and figure they will work out for someone.  But, I am trying something new so that is what counts right?

I can say that my sock yarn stash has grown but my productivity has not.  We rearranged the family room for winter, I know weird huh, but we had to move the furniture around so that the fire place will spread its warmth more evenly. After doing that my recliner ended up kind of in the middle of nowhere and I had very little light. I ended up buying a new lamp so I hope that helps. Trying to do all of my stuff on the couch is not conducive to my well being. I don't sit on the couch properly so every part of my body will hurt after an extended period of time. Now, with the light I am back in business and I will be the warmest come winter because I am closest to the fire place. 

For more needle projects head on over to Judy's.

I am off to sew and maybe some more knitting tonight..it is a cold one here today..so not looking forward to winter..a lovely 25 outside right now.


25 October 2012


I'm crazy, I don't have anything else to do, I'm nuts...well the list could go on.

I fell in love with this quilt and of course since I am certifiably insane I figured I would do it.  I will try and forget Dear Jane, and Sylvia's and Year of Schnibbles, and the load of BOM I have, Bonnie Hunters mystery starts next month,  and all of the UFO's...I will start this quilt.  Well, I figured I would just start the cutting since it takes a bazillion pieces.

These are the starting scraps of my cutting frenzy.
I figured it could take me a year to cut the fabric even though I have 3 drawers of 2.5 inch strips. I would love to have no repeats of fabric as well. But, here's the catch...or the craziness. To make the quilt the size on the cover page (78.5 x 80.5) I need a total of 1560 squares which includes 281 sets of 5 matching squares plus some other sets, this equals 1560 squares.  Not to bad..but..I was kinda thinking of making this a king to replace the one on my bed now...so that means  470 sets of 5 plus other sets which equals 550 different fabrics and a whopping 2350 squares.
So this will be my pet project for the next  who knows how long. But that is ok. I have a tendency to make quilts that take forever and then squeeze some little ones in between.
But won't it look awesome when it is done.  I decided on a whatever approach and to use all of my fabric,originally I was going to stick with muted and Civil War types, I want a everything but the kitchen sink (well no Christmas) with Civil War, Batiks, Brights etc.  Wish me luck.

24 October 2012

I Have Been Busy

really....I have.  I just don't ever seem to have a lot to show for it. I finally finished my O's candy Little Bites so now I just have to quilt them both. Oh the someday list just keeps getting longer and longer.

I also took time to do something with a few blocks, uh more like what was supposed to be the whole quilt, that I had cut wrong and just sewed them together and put the other cut pieces into the scrap bin.  What it will be who knows. I will either put it in the back of some quilt or maybe make a small table topper for somebody or something.  The good news is that it is no longer taking up a spot on my sewing table. (Next time I will read the directions a little bit better)

I am now off to do some cutting of a new BOM for work, then to sew and maybe a few chores.

Have a great day everyone,


15 October 2012

Design Wall Monday 10/15/2012

I have been busy it just doesn't always seem like I am getting a bunch done. I have been working, a little bit more than planned but that is ok.

I did get my 10 blocks of Dear Jane done, almost, I still have the applique done. So now I am down to 63..YAY. I have Sylvia's class this week and those blocks are done as well. I get a "break" now since I don't have classes in December. Maybe, just maybe I will be able to get some more, a lot more done before the first of the year.  Who knows.

Yesterday I took a break from the those quilts and worked on a baby quilt for a friend of the family's daughter who is due in January. I decided to make a simple strip quilt as you go quilt. I did 20 strips yesterday and have 20 more to do this week. I just pooped out yesterday and called it quits. Of course that doesn't have anything to do with the block I had started first that I ended up doing wrong.  Nothing is worse than sewing 64 total squares with HST included and then the block coming out the wrong side..aggghhhh. 

We have our work party early this year, in November, and we do a block swap. So I decided to work on my 12" block and did the calculating and cut and sewed, and cut and sewed then once all completed it only came out to 11"...not good..so I decided I won't be doing that block and now have to come up with something new. Not fun for sure.

I also finished my Fat Quarter Shop BOM block this weekend as well. I am actually staying up with that one for a change.

The baby quilt is made out of a jelly roll of flannel, to be cuddly, but boy I forget how clingy flannel is.

For other design walls head on over to Judy's .  I love to see how much other people get done, makes me feel really slow for sure.
Have a wonderful day.

04 October 2012

Oh Dear

That is my motto for the day.  I decided I would work on Dear Jane.  Then I remembered Dear Niece was going to be here.  OK..no worries.  Yeah..well...

First...off to print off my Dear Jane's I need for next month.  Well my Dear Jane program didn't want to work. Reboot 1 of the computer. 

Second..computer back up..Dear Jane software working, go to print..Dear Printer not working. Reboot 2 of the computer.

Third..computer back up,printer back up..Dear Jane and printer not working.. Reboot 3 of the computer.

Fourth...yeah everything back online and working...oh it is time to feed Dear Niece, Dear lunch...ok back to printing....oh look time for Dear Niece's Dear Nap....ok..good to go...off to sew.

Finally, I get a block ready to applique....oh Dear...I can't count...I need 6 petals but for some reason I only make 4...turn the iron back on finish the other petals...oh look Dear Niece is awake now...

Finally, second attempt...down to applique...Dear Niece is hungry...ok...snack time...back to applique...oh wait look at the time....Dear Dinner needs to be made for Dear Family....

OK..Now food is going, Dear Niece is situated and oh look the Dear Family will be home in 10 minutes.

Conclusion...all the Dearness in this house today has led to a long and not productive day but maybe just maybe after Dear Niece leaves I will have a few minutes to applique.  Question is will I have the energy.


My Dear Jane

Here are the blocks from my October class.  I now have to start on November...the never ending Dear Jane cycle. 

While going over the blocks in class I was again talking about those dreaded set in seams on the block. It will be the second pink one on the bottom left. I was stating that I can do them (the set in seams) I am just not very good at them and I don't like them.  Well...there are a lot of appliquers in the class so the response I received " Why didn't you just applique it then?"  I responded with a very simple " Duh!  I didn't think about it".  I can say that it would have probably been a whole heck of a lot easier that's for sure. Good thing I label myself as a facilitator rather than a teacher that is for sure.

At the end of class I realized that we were going to be doing a lot of triangles the last couple of months and no one really wanted that so I spent the morning rearranging the order of the remaining months so that we have at least 4 triangles and 6 regular blocks making life more simple.

Then I realized I only have 73 more blocks.....I know it still seems like a lot but when you figure you start with 225 that is nothing ( I am including both the blocks and the triangles).  I ONLY HAVE 73 MORE BLOCKS ...I should dance a jig...wait...I will save that for when I have less than 20 or maybe less than 10..I do know there will be a dance of epic proportions when the top is put together that is for sure.

Then I started thinking, which is dangerous in itself. Can I get this finished by the end of the year? That has been my goal but life keeps getting in the way. There is approximately 88 days left in the year.  That means less than one block a day..hmmm....I think I can...I think I can...

Yep, that is my goal for the year...finish this lovely top..then I can concentrate on Sylvia's.  I figure if Dear Jane is done then I can just whip through Sylvia's and then the only thing I have to do every month is my Schnibble'.  I can then concentrate on getting the stuff done I have put on hold and at the same time start cleaning, sorting, and packing for our move next summer.

I think I am off to work on Dear Jane.

Have a wonderful day,


03 October 2012

Waldo Canyon Update 10

This should be my last update for awhile.  We have our final disbursement this Saturday.  So, anyone wanting a quilt after that will request individually and then we will get them one, and honestly there should not be that many (if any) left to receive one.   This will take some pressure off of me finishing them all right away.  All of the "extra" ones will be forwarded to other fire victims in other areas as the need arises.

The following quilts were quilted by Jenny M  She did an awesome job.  I really love the tools she quilted on the tool quilt. I tried to get a close up.

I just love them all. And as evidenced so did the cat...he loves getting in the middle of all of my stuff. Right next to him...the little shoes and bag..well they are from my niece.  She has taken over the house.  I love her to pieces but I forget how energetic a 2 year old can be.

Off to get some applique ready for Sylvia's then Dear Jane class this afternoon. I would love to say I will be sewing all day tomorrow but...Miss T will be here so I will be lucky to get anything done...lol.

Have a blessed day,

01 October 2012

Design Wall Monday 10/1/2012

I have a finish..finally...yeah!!!!! So this is the only thing on/off my design wall other than that lovely Dear Jane and the lovely Sylvia.

I spent all day yesterday finishing this puppy up.  I had to sew the buttons on, fix the bees (which I still don't like to much), make the bees path, and machine sew the binding down (which I am still not that great at).  But it is done done done.

I only work 3 days this week plus a class (yeppers that dreaded Dear Jane) so I had planned on getting a lot done...but then I remembered...

My parents are out of town so I am the designated back up to get older niece to school and watch the younger niece.  So my plans are now to try to get something small done period.  My little niece is only 2 and a sweetie pie...I love having her and spending time with her but boy oh boy is she a busy little bee.  Oh well...I only 2 days the following two weeks and one class so I will have plenty of time them..I hope.

Have a great day everyone I am off to work.

For more design walls head on over to Judy's...I just love looking at what everyone is working on.  It seems like everyone gets more done than me.
