09 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - 1 & 2

Of course I was still behind so here is last weeks and this weeks. I can say that last week's hasn't changed and probably won't for awhile since Dear Jane (DJ) and I have a standing appointment to get it done.  More on that later in another post.

Here is my design area for this week. It is a simple hand embroidery, which I have never really done but I seem to be enjoying it so far. Which is probably a good thing since I have a bagillion projects for hand embroidery to do.....hmm...can we get more time in a day please...at least 36 hours in 24 hour period might help.

Progress is slow but steady. I had to research a back stitch since I don't ever remember doing one.  It really isn't as hard as I thought.

For more design wall candy head over to Judy's
Have a quilty day everyone.



  1. Looks like you have a good start on DJ, and your little owl is so cute!

  2. I have so many reasons to learn embrodiery and incorporate it into some projects. I keep putting it off....

    Awesome DJ!

  3. I like your Dj quilt-beautiful colors! And your zoo :)
