12 February 2016

On the Needles Feb. 12, 16

I missed the last On the Needles which was just as well since my projects that were on the needles were all ripped out. I made mistakes on both of them so had to start over. Go figure.

I am working on Loopy Academy Projects because I don't have enough other stuff on the needles to work on. I can say I haven't worked on any of them either. If I don't get back to the pullover for my niece she will be too big for it.

I am working on my socks, which when I finish will be my first pair on magic loop. I spent 2 days at the beginning of the year trying to do two at a time and couldn't get it. Someone recommended doing one at a time til I got the hang of it and by golly it is working a little bit easier for me. As of right now I can say I really like the way it knits. It is a lot easier on my hands to compared to DPN's as well.

Saltwater Taffy yarn by Julie Spins. I can say it reminds me more of sand and surf than taffy but I am loving it. I was going to make ankle socks but I think I will just keep going and make full socks.

My second project for Loopy Academy was a twisted stitch. I chose Linden Loop. It doesn't look like much here but the stitches are awesome. I ripped this one out twice, go figure. I just can not work on anything that has more than simple stitches while anyone is around. Although, I must admit, when working on this I say the pattern out loud continuously. So if there was some one listening in they would think I was crazy. Who knows maybe I am. 

I am 1.5 repeats in so I only have 1.5 to go. I honestly can not wait. I am so tired of doing tbl ( get confused easily) that I could scream and don't get me started on the yo's. I did learn to do my first slpsso so that is a good thing.

I am hoping to at least have the cowl done by next week. Maybe a sock but they are slow going for me.

Linden Loop in Rios (I think)

For more ideas head on over to Judy's ( who I think is going to Fling this year - and so am I ).

Have a great weekend and get lots done.



  1. Your sock yarn does look like the beach....so pretty. I tend to knit easy projects so I don't have to pay much attention. It's much more relaxing.

    1. I've been knitting for 5 years and can only knit while looking at work and anything distracts me. I need to get better. LOL
