06 January 2016

Farmer's Wife 30's #1 and a Finish

I usually always (lol) start the year with a bang. I take a week off and can breeze through things. Then, I go back to work and things slow down. I am really hoping that doesn't happen this year.

Yesterday was a slow day. I read a little and worked on a sock (which may be the death of me). Anyway, this morning I was back up and cruising. I ran out of my leader and ender project so after about an hour of cutting I was back at the machine.

I am teaching a class this year, Farmer's Wife 30's. Not really teaching but guiding. So I am trying to stay ahead of the game. I was planning on doing 5 blocks a month but these little things are so tedious that I decided 4 would be enough. I am making it a personal goal of doing 2 a week but we will see how that goes. There are only 99 of them so I have a bit of work to do.

Here are the first 4 blocks. I am putting them together as I go and this will be the first column. I have made the triangles over sized so that I can trim them down later.
#19 Carolina

#63 Mollie

#3 Alice

#1 Addie

These have all been paper pieced so far. They are a little fiddlie and take some time but I think it will be great once it is done. I just hope I don't run out of patience or "like" of it sooner than that.

I did finish another quilt as well. I finished piecing it last year and then gave it to a co-worker to quilt. She did a lovely job on her George, it wall all freehand too. Awesome. I have since added the binding and as I type it is in the washer. It will head back to work this week to hang as a sample so no telling when I will see it again.

It turned out to be a tad bigger than I thought. But I love it.

Have a great week and see you on On the Needles Friday.


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