08 January 2016

On the Needles Jan 8, 2016

I have way to many things on my needles. I really need to knit faster. I have more projects than time.

These are my DVD socks. They have been on the needles for over 2 years I think. I have a couple more rows then I can do the toe. Here is hoping I can finish them before Sunday. Yarn is Desert Vista Dyeworks (DVD) and I don't remember the colorway.

One of my Facebook groups ASK - Addicted to Sock Knitting - has a challenge. Knit one pair of socks per month out of your stash yarn. Only requirement is the leg needs to be 4 inches. I received this pattern last year and for the life of my I couldn't get it. Fast forward a year and I am now doing it. I don't know if I will get them done in the month but I am trying. I am just slow and if I concentrate on the socks I get nothing else done. Of course with this poor thing I may have ripped back almost as much as I have knit. I have 2 more repeats and it will be ready to turn. Pattern is Hornet and can be found on Ravelry. Color is actually more of a blue than this purple.

Finally, my Easy shawl (Ravelry as well). This pattern is really simple and I work on this at Dr's appt or when I just don't want to think or pay attention. The yarn slips my mind right now. I need to weight it, after half is used I need to change direction.

Here is hoping I can get more finished soon. I have a complete basket of stuff on my bucket list for this year. I will have to show you in another post.

For more idea head on over to Judy's.

Michelle - freezing in Colorado.


  1. I'm in Colorado too. It was a good day to sit and knit between bouts of shoveling. Love the striped socks!

  2. It's chilly here, too, but you'd probably think it's warm! Great projects. I always have several going at once, too.
