28 June 2013

On The Needles 6/28/13

I have been busy knitting for a change. As a matter of fact that is all I have wanted to do which is no good for my Dear Jane or any other sewing for that matter.

I finished my Camp Loopy project 1...

I then finished my first Antartic sock, it is just a plain sock. This was my one attempt at the pooling challenge, which didn't work. Ironically this sock is supposed to pool. Not.

I will spend this weekend working on Dear Jane and then my mom's Kimono cardigan. I told her she may get it by Christmas 2017 at the rate I knit, but it's the thought that counts right.

For more knitty goodies head on over to Judy's.


26 June 2013

A Little Decorating

A couple of weeks ago hubby and I went to the flea market, alone. It felt like a date..we had tons of fun. Well, maybe not him since he had to make 3 or was it 4 trips to the car with my finds.

I bought some books, and some big wash tubs to put outside and fill with flowers. Of course I bought some grilled chili and fresh fruits as well.

I also bought this little set up here.
The brown wooden box under the ironing board is the cover for the machine.

It is a Wilson Rotary hook, cast iron and heavy. All the pieces and parts are in there but that didn't really matter to me. I ended up spending 20 bucks and 5 for the ironing board. I haven't tried it to see if it works but it really doesn't matter to me. I had wanted a display for the living room like this and so that's what I did. 

Funny thing is my husband just kept looking at me like I was weird every time I brought it up. After it was home and finally set up he came in from work and said "cool that looks nice. ". Just goes to show you I do have a good idea every once in awhile.

Off to craft...enjoy the day.


24 June 2013

Camp Loopy 2013 Project 1 Done

I have a knitted finished, that is a rare thing as it is, but this one is for Camp Loopy. I even have a week before the next project starts. I just finished a 400 yard project, and it took me 3 weeks, the next one is 500. I really hope the last one doesn't kill me.

It is the Meditation Infinity Scarf. You can find it on Ravelry. This yarn is Malabrigo Light of Love.  I am usually not a pink person but I loved the way the original scarf looked and went with the flow.

My next project is also a scarf but I will be learning new stitches again. I bought a pima-cotton in Aqua but I am already doubting my choice. I may take some time and try to knit with it and see if I like it, that way I have time to order something else if I don't.

Off to knit since I still don't feel like sewing, which I will regret soon I know.


Design Wall Monday 6/24/13

My DW isn't anything exciting this week. I have 5 more blocks done for Sylvia's Bridal Sampler and that is about it.
Bears Paw

Bow Tie

Mother's Delight

Old Maids Puzzle

I have 2 columns of Sylvia's done but I will be frogging those as well. I don't like the sashing so I am going to redo it. Another thing to add to my to do list.

I have to get 9 more blocks done for my Dear Jane and I am finished..just have to put the last little bit together. Unfortunately I have to do some frogging first. I had almost all 4 borders done but realized I totally messed up the color order so now they all have to come apart. I already finished one side only three left and then 18 blocks to sew into rows and add the borders and the Dear Jane will be completed.  I can so totally not wait.

I haven't been sewing much and other than have to get done's I probably won't be. I can't seem to sew a lot and also Camp Loopy a lot. So I will be camping much more than sewing this summer.

For more Design Walls head on over to Judy's.


23 June 2013

Loopy Groupie

After purchasing my yarn for month 2 of Camp Loopy I became a Loopy Groupie.  Yeah!

I received a wonderful project bag, a little bag of goodies with a bookmark pattern, some Soak, tape measure and a wonderful skein of yarn..oh yeah tootsie rolls too.

I am doing another scarf, still the safest for me right now, and am using a solid aqua color we shall see how this one turns out.

Cascade UltraPima in Aqua.
I will be making the Gathered Scarf. This one will also have new to me stitches so we will see how that goes.
Camp Loopy Project 1-13 is blocking right now.  Hopefully I will get a picture tonight and be able to load up to the Loopy Ewe and be here later this week with it.
Off to sew..or maybe browse Ravelry.

07 June 2013

On The Needles 6/7/13

I am attempting Camp Loopy. I am a slow newbie knitter. What was I thinking?

I had my plan. I needed to knit a measly 3.5 inches a day to be done on time. I was on a roll. Then I messed up somewhere and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I ripped it out. I started over. I am now behind.

I will keep going and maybe somehow with cosmic help from the knitting fairies I will get this puppy done. Of course right now I do know that I can get about an 1/2 inch done in 15-20 minutes.  I only have 93 inches to go......

Since I am really bad at unknitting I decided to add my own little life lines in there.  This way if I really mess up I can go to a co-worker and scream loudly for help.

It is amazing how crappy these photos look and how crooked the thing looks but really it is prettier in person and hopefully will be much better when done and blocked.

I do know I have to finish a couple of days early so I can have some time to work on that provisional cast on I did to finish it up.

For more great ideas head on over to Judy's.


05 June 2013

Cutting It Close

I really have been busy this past week. I procrastinated,  waited patiently until the mojo was right to start on my June Dear Jane blocks.

I did get them done as of 5 minutes ago. Class is in 3 hours so I did have a little time to spare. I blame it on my niece coming over to stay for awhile (she is 2 and very active), I have this thing called work (granted it is only 4 hours a day a couple of days a week), and Camp Loopy.  This is the one that will be the death of my.  I am a very slow knitter, think turtle in molasses in winter, and I am on a time table, which doesn't help, and then not knowing how to tink these stitches when I accidentally experiment on a new pattern in the middle of the one I am working on. Needless to say I did have to rip the whole thing out and start over which put be behind quit a few inches.

Well, back to DJ.  I did get my blocks finished for this month and the bestest news in the world is I only have 9 more to go then I can sew this puppy together and be done with it for awhile. Who knows it may never me quilted. Bad news is most of the blocks I have left are a lot of applique and a couple I have been avoiding just because.

Ironically I sewed 8 of these blocks in two days. Day one I sewed 4 then appliqued them. Day 2, I sewed the parts together from day 1 appliques and then sewed 4 more and appliqued them. There was a lot of applique to and my hand paid the price of it. I just had a hard time getting down here to do the other two. Guess that is why I found 2 quick blocks (thank goodness I had a few left) and not 2 more triangles like I wanted.

Well, now I am off to cut some kits and then get ready for class. Tonight I have to knit, knit, knit.

Hope to get more done this week though, since I don't have to work again until Monday.