21 January 2011
Leaving on A Jet Plane
Just a quick note to say....I am leaving on a jet plane, although I do know when I will be back again. I am going on a mini vacation...I will be back on Wed.
I am hoping to have many pictures and neat things to share.
Have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Sew for a few minutes today...it is great.
17 January 2011
RRCB Top Done
I just finished my RRCB top.....yeah. It was kind of a pain doing the borders. It was heavy as well. Of course I don't know if it was more difficult because I haven't done a large on in awhile or because of my boot. It seems every time I turned around my boot was caught in the quilt top or I was stepping on it. Now my Velcro on my boot is a little worse for wear and it seems that it has gained at least 5 lbs because it is holding almost all of the strings and things that could attach itself to any open Velcro spot. Oh well off to clean that tomorrow.
Now off to figure out how to back it and quilt it. Although I can say this will probably be in the flimsy stage for awhile.
Now off to figure out how to back it and quilt it. Although I can say this will probably be in the flimsy stage for awhile.
RRCB Step 7
I finally finished step 7. So now my center is done. I just have to add the small inner border and then the final border. I am hoping to get that done this week...but the way life goes who knows. It is very heavy and I can say I am not looking forward to quilting it that is for sure. I still have to figure out what I am going to use as the backing but I still have a couple of days to decide.
I do love this quilt though, and as my first Bonnie mystery and first Bonnie quilt I will have completed I am super happy. I do have chunky churn dash almost done as well as Sister's Nine Patch...I just have to lay them out on the design floor and go from there. Which is really hard right now to do since I have a boot on my foot but as a quilter I have learned to adapt, or really in my case complain the whole time I am doing it.
I also am 1/4 of the way done with the binding on another UFO, and I was also able to get 3 rows down on my crocheted afghan (it doesn't seem like a lot but the rows go the length of the afghan). All that while watching football, pretty productive Sunday for me.
Sew today it makes you feel productive!
I do love this quilt though, and as my first Bonnie mystery and first Bonnie quilt I will have completed I am super happy. I do have chunky churn dash almost done as well as Sister's Nine Patch...I just have to lay them out on the design floor and go from there. Which is really hard right now to do since I have a boot on my foot but as a quilter I have learned to adapt, or really in my case complain the whole time I am doing it.
I also am 1/4 of the way done with the binding on another UFO, and I was also able to get 3 rows down on my crocheted afghan (it doesn't seem like a lot but the rows go the length of the afghan). All that while watching football, pretty productive Sunday for me.
Sew today it makes you feel productive!
16 January 2011
Stash Report Sunday
Stash Report
Beg. Total 2258 yards
Used This Week 13.5 yards
Used Year to Date 5.5 yards
Added This Week 32 yards (3 yards was gifted to me)
Added Year To Date 37 yards
Net Used For Year -26.5 yards
Ending Total 2302.25 yards
I keep thinking I am getting nowhere. I think that is because this week I was concentrating on getting my swaps done. I also am trying to get my RRCB done. I am seriously hoping that once I get back from a sweet little vacation I may be able to bust some serious stash out of here.
Oh if only that will be true.
Stay tuned there will be some giveaways coming soon.
Beg. Total 2258 yards
Used This Week 13.5 yards
Used Year to Date 5.5 yards
Added This Week 32 yards (3 yards was gifted to me)
Added Year To Date 37 yards
Net Used For Year -26.5 yards
Ending Total 2302.25 yards
I keep thinking I am getting nowhere. I think that is because this week I was concentrating on getting my swaps done. I also am trying to get my RRCB done. I am seriously hoping that once I get back from a sweet little vacation I may be able to bust some serious stash out of here.
Oh if only that will be true.
Stay tuned there will be some giveaways coming soon.
15 January 2011
UFO Finish 2
I took a break from piecing yesterday, since it seemed I was doing more frogging than sewing. We sat down and watched Robin Hood with Russel Crowe, and I started binding another quilt. Normally I only can handle doing 15 or 20 minutes at the most, either I get tired of it or more often than not my thumb starts hurting too much and I have to stop. Well last night I ended up binding the whole thing before the movie was over, well almost the whole thing I had about 20 inches or so already done. I was amazed with myself.
I am still on track with my personal goal of finishing two UFO's a month. Of course this is only January and I still have quit a few large ones to quilt, but for now I am satisfied.
Strip Stacks w/ 30's prints. |
I am still on track with my personal goal of finishing two UFO's a month. Of course this is only January and I still have quit a few large ones to quilt, but for now I am satisfied.
13 January 2011
Peaceful Nights
That is the name of the new Block of the Month I started. You could do it in batiks or the "normal" as I like to call it. Right now I am on a, don't like batiks too much diet so I chose the normal. I realized that there were so many little pieces to this one block that I wanted to go slow, and really concentrate on pressing so that it would come out right on, well......needless to say I worked on this block for over three hours. I don't know why I could not wrap my brain around getting everything put together right but I just could not do it. I was getting so frustrated.....well....patience pays off and a break to cook dinner....I completed the block. I then realized that every one of these blocks have a ton of pieces in them...so I will make sure to be totally relaxed before I do the next one that is for sure.
I just realized there are 53 pieces in this one block. Hmmmm, maybe I will keep track and when I am done I can see exactly how many pieces were in this quilt. That might turn out to be interesting...
Take some time to sew today, you might want to pull your hair out like I me, but in the end it is worth it.
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Peaceful Nights Block 1 |
Take some time to sew today, you might want to pull your hair out like I me, but in the end it is worth it.
12 January 2011
Civil War Block 2
I started this week out with a bang. I had a plan. I have a list of all the blocks I need to make either for swaps, BOM, RRCB etc. Well...I slowed down really fast and there were only a few blocks that I did not need to frog (sounds so much better than unsew or seam rip). I ended up taking longer and longer to finish and was getting really frustrated.
But...I did get my civil war block finished and a couple more from Roll Roll Cotton Boll, I might even get this quilt finished one day. I have decided to do a couple blocks here and there in between some of the stuff I have a deadline to meet.
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North Stars Block 2 |
09 January 2011
Sunday Stash Report
I have been busy doing various blocks and such this week. I also fell off the wagon and bought a few fabrics. I am doing better than I was but I still have a long way to go.
I also worked on some of my RRCB blocks, then cheated and switched over to cutting up the string blocks, well that was so easy I finished those and then went back to the other blocks. Worked on those for awhile and after having to frog some stitches I decided I was done for the day.
Stash Report
Beg. Total 2275 yards
Used This Week 22 yards
Used Year to Date 22 yards
Added This Week 5 yards
Added Year To Date 5 yards
Net Used For Year 17 yards
Ending Total 2258
I hope to get some pictures tomorrow of my RRCB and actually post them. I honestly was too lazy to go and get them now.
I did finish some of my blocks for a charity swap. The only guideline was black/white and 12" square, it was kind of nice to pick them out myself.
It is snowing here so the boys may have their first late start or even snow day tomorrow.
07 January 2011
2011 Pay It Forward - Handmade
I was out at Cheri's blog this morning and she had a wonderful idea. This comes directly from her blog.
2011 Handmade Pay It Forward
Here is how it works:
I promise to send something handmade to the FIRST 5 people who leave a comment here.
However, to be eligible, you must re post this message, offering something handmade to 5 other people.
The rules are that it must be handmade by you, and it must be sent to your 5 giftees sometime in 2011.
Isn't this a great way to share with others. So leave me a comment, re post the Pay It Forward and commit to gifting your first 5 commenter's.
Here we go!
So I jumped in completely. I will make something handmade for the first 5 comments left on my blog. I can say I don't know exactly when that will be done but it will be done.
Can you imagine...even if a small number of quilters joined in how many lives around the world we could touch. It would be like a happy plague....sending joy out a little bit at a time.
So what do you say....jump in and join......
2011 Handmade Pay It Forward
Here is how it works:
I promise to send something handmade to the FIRST 5 people who leave a comment here.
However, to be eligible, you must re post this message, offering something handmade to 5 other people.
The rules are that it must be handmade by you, and it must be sent to your 5 giftees sometime in 2011.
Isn't this a great way to share with others. So leave me a comment, re post the Pay It Forward and commit to gifting your first 5 commenter's.
Here we go!
So I jumped in completely. I will make something handmade for the first 5 comments left on my blog. I can say I don't know exactly when that will be done but it will be done.
Can you imagine...even if a small number of quilters joined in how many lives around the world we could touch. It would be like a happy plague....sending joy out a little bit at a time.
So what do you say....jump in and join......
06 January 2011
Civil War Block 1
I am following Barbara Brackmans Civil War Blog. Every week she posts a block and some history surrounding the block. So of course since I don't have enough to do...I joined in on the fun.
After collecting various FQ's of civil war fabrics the last year or so, I finally cut into some of that lovely fabric and made my first block. I love the fact that it is really very simple to do. I am still learning how to adjust all of those bulk seams and pressing seams open still is not my cup of tea....but you do what you gotta do and I am getting there.
At first I was really worried and starting freaking out about what fabric I was going to use. I figured it would more than likely take me hours to fret and worry over which should be chosen. Then...........
After collecting various FQ's of civil war fabrics the last year or so, I finally cut into some of that lovely fabric and made my first block. I love the fact that it is really very simple to do. I am still learning how to adjust all of those bulk seams and pressing seams open still is not my cup of tea....but you do what you gotta do and I am getting there.
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Catch Me If You Can |
I realized it really doesn't matter. I am not giving this quilt away, it is not going to some super duper mega judged show, its mine. My color choices are exactly that, mine. If I don't like exactly how it turns out after the square is done I have options. I can make another one or I can leave it and remember not to do it that way again. There are choices to be made and if you procrastinate making them you will never learn from them.
I was always worried about wasting to much fabric. Well I finally realized it isn't wasting fabric. It is creating and learning. This block will either end up in the quilt or not. It could end up in the back of this quilt or another one or even as an orphan block in some other quilt down the road. The point is ---it doesn't matter.
Sew a little today, its' wonderful.
I am now off to my Farmers Wife Class at the LQS...yeah.
05 January 2011
UFO Finish 1
I have a UFO finish.....YEAH!!!!. I finished the night before last but needed to wash it and take a picture, so here it is. Why was this a UFO? Well I can honestly say it was because I did not want to do the binding. This quilt has been sitting there for almost two years and binding was all that needed to be done...call me crazy for sure.
I don't know why I don't like binding my quilts but that is one thing I really detest doing. Ironically once I am done binding I always think....well that wasn't so bad...then I procrastinate on doing the next one. I have 4 more to bind that are on my UFO's list....maybe 2011 will be the year I get them all done.
I call this one Mint Chocolate Chip because for some reason that is what it reminded me of. I guess the light greens with the browns and pinks just scream ice cream to me.
Sew today even for 15 minutes, and hey...choose binding .....you may just get another quilt completed.
I don't know why I don't like binding my quilts but that is one thing I really detest doing. Ironically once I am done binding I always think....well that wasn't so bad...then I procrastinate on doing the next one. I have 4 more to bind that are on my UFO's list....maybe 2011 will be the year I get them all done.
I call this one Mint Chocolate Chip because for some reason that is what it reminded me of. I guess the light greens with the browns and pinks just scream ice cream to me.
Front 69 x 69
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First time I ever pieced the backing. I almost like this as much as the front. |
Sew today even for 15 minutes, and hey...choose binding .....you may just get another quilt completed.
04 January 2011
Procrastination or Overwhelmed?
I have been in a rut this last week or so in the quilting arena and I finally decided really think about why this is happening. Am I procrastinating or am I overwhelmed?
Procrastination - putting off or delaying an action to a later time
Overwhelmed - to cause someone to have too many things to deal with.
Well after further thought I think I am procrastinating because I am overwhelmed. Usually this in not a problem for me. I make my list, either on paper or up in the good old noggin, and just plug away. For some reason 2011 is proving to be a little more taxing to me. I don't know if it is the stress of our "life situation" and me being a worry wort or just me being a crazy loon. It more than likely is a combination.
Maybe I just took on too many things at a time, trying to get a billion quilts made yesterday. I mean there is BOM, swaps, mysteries, stash reduction, stash enlargement, magazines to read, new patterns to try, hand applique to learn, hand quilting to learn, knitting, crocheting reading and...and...well you get the idea.
I think the best thing for me to do would be to write the top 10 things I want to accomplish first and then go from there. I know there are some things that have a due date, swaps anyone, and everything else is on its own time schedule. Honestly though, other than swaps that I signed up before, does it really matter when it gets done. No....I don't think so.
I think I will ponder this wonderful break in life and "stop to smell the fabric". Quilting is supposed to be a peaceful, relaxing, enjoyable hobby and sometimes I think we make it an elephant on our back.
Maybe try to be more like the turtle and less like the hare.
So take time today to sit and ponder what is important to you and if you are actually overwhelmed to the point of procrastination......
Procrastination - putting off or delaying an action to a later time
Overwhelmed - to cause someone to have too many things to deal with.
Well after further thought I think I am procrastinating because I am overwhelmed. Usually this in not a problem for me. I make my list, either on paper or up in the good old noggin, and just plug away. For some reason 2011 is proving to be a little more taxing to me. I don't know if it is the stress of our "life situation" and me being a worry wort or just me being a crazy loon. It more than likely is a combination.
Maybe I just took on too many things at a time, trying to get a billion quilts made yesterday. I mean there is BOM, swaps, mysteries, stash reduction, stash enlargement, magazines to read, new patterns to try, hand applique to learn, hand quilting to learn, knitting, crocheting reading and...and...well you get the idea.
I think the best thing for me to do would be to write the top 10 things I want to accomplish first and then go from there. I know there are some things that have a due date, swaps anyone, and everything else is on its own time schedule. Honestly though, other than swaps that I signed up before, does it really matter when it gets done. No....I don't think so.
I think I will ponder this wonderful break in life and "stop to smell the fabric". Quilting is supposed to be a peaceful, relaxing, enjoyable hobby and sometimes I think we make it an elephant on our back.
Maybe try to be more like the turtle and less like the hare.
So take time today to sit and ponder what is important to you and if you are actually overwhelmed to the point of procrastination......
03 January 2011
Blocks of the Month
I have 3 new Blocks of the Month (BOM) for this year and 4 left over from last year. I admit I was not a very good girl last year when it came to keeping up with them, I ended up doing 1 block.....not 1 out of each BOM....no literally ONE block PERIOD. Oh I also have a buck a block I am doing as well, but fortunately I am keeping up on that one (the only reason is because I have to take last months completed block to pick up this months block).
My goal this year is to keep current on the 3 new ones and start/finish the 4 from last year. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, depending on how you look at it, 3 of the older ones are paper pieced, and none of them are small either.
I am also doing a frugal mystery BOM with a LQS and if that is not enough on my plate I am also following Barbara Brackmans Civil War Quilts blog .....which is a weekly post with Civil War information and a block to complete and none of this fails to mention that I also have 3 of Bonnie Hunter's quilts in the process as leaders and enders....
I think I may have to give up sleep here pretty soon.
My goal this year is to keep current on the 3 new ones and start/finish the 4 from last year. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, depending on how you look at it, 3 of the older ones are paper pieced, and none of them are small either.
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New for 2011 |
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Patriots and Petticoats - new BOM for 2011 |
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Rustic Stars |
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Queen and Her Court |
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Country Magic |
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Fairy Dust |
I think I may have to give up sleep here pretty soon.
02 January 2011
Stash Report Sunday
It is the start of the new year, which for me means "'taking stock" of what I have and what I want to accomplish in the upcoming year and beyond.
First things first...
My yardage: 2267 yds
Yards Out: 14 yds......gotta love FQ bingos and FQ birthday swaps
Yards In: 11.5 yds
Total: 2278.25
I also realized that my yardage total will go up because for some reason I did not include my UFO yardage. I will just add that as I work on them.
I also have two BOM starting next week and that will make my totals change as well....oh the life of a fabric loving gal.
I wasn't able to get any sewing done yesterday. It was my oldest son's last day here before returning to Chicago to finish out his first of many Navy schools. My two youngest boys do not go back to school until Wednesday, just a couple more days until life returns to the new normal for 2011. I am off to sew and watch football.
Sew today it makes life pieceful.
01 January 2011
UFO Challenge 2011
I joined the UFO Challenge 2011 on my Stashbuster yahoo group. I only have 24 of them on my list. I don't know how many of those will get done this year especially since 12 of them need to be quilted. They are all large ones too which is why they are UFO's. I really don't like quilting them on my DSM. But alas, if I want to get them done I better get crack a lackin.
I will eventually try and get this list on my main page of the blog, once I figure out how but it the mean time....here it goes.
1. Chunky Churndash (blocks finished)
2. Applique Wallhanging (applique fused down)
3. Jewels in Chocolate (pieces cut out to use on embroidery machine)
4. Ugly Quilt (4 clues left to do)
5. Amy Butler Tote (pieces cut out)
6. The Queen and Her Court (bom, block 1 done)
7. Joy (paper piece - step 1 done)
8. Hip to Be Squared (basting, quilting, binding)
9. House (basting, quilting, binding)
10. Layer Cake (basting, quilting, binding)
11. Zippity Doo Dah (basting, quilting, binding)
12. Trip Around The World (basting, quilting, binding)
13. Zippity Doo Dah Schnibble (basting, quilting, binding)
14. White Floral (basting, quilting, binding)
15. Table Runner (basting, quilting, binding)
16. Yellow Moda (basting, quilting, binding)
17. Basi Grey Green and Purple (basting, quilting, binding)
18. Multifaceted (basting, quilting, binding)
19. Ace of Cakes (basting, quilting, binding)
20. Split Medallions (basting, quilting, binding)
21. Chocolate Mint (binding)
22. Aqua Repros (binding)
23. Layer Cake Purple (binding)
24. Layer Cake yellow (binding)
Lets see what the year can bring......whip out those UFO's and get them done.
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