That is the name of the new Block of the Month I started. You could do it in batiks or the "normal" as I like to call it. Right now I am on a, don't like batiks too much diet so I chose the normal. I realized that there were so many little pieces to this one block that I wanted to go slow, and really concentrate on pressing so that it would come out right on, well......needless to say I worked on this block for over three hours. I don't know why I could not wrap my brain around getting everything put together right but I just could not do it. I was getting so frustrated.....well....patience pays off and a break to cook dinner....I completed the block. I then realized that every one of these blocks have a ton of pieces in I will make sure to be totally relaxed before I do the next one that is for sure.
Peaceful Nights Block 1
I just realized there are 53 pieces in this one block. Hmmmm, maybe I will keep track and when I am done I can see exactly how many pieces were in this quilt. That might turn out to be interesting...
Take some time to sew today, you might want to pull your hair out like I me, but in the end it is worth it.
You did a fantastic job! I feel your pain...some days it's like I've forgotten how to sew!