28 January 2015

Cutting away in Michellarita Land

There is a lot of time that I don't have anything to post. It doesn't mean I am not busy. It just means I am not sewing or knitting. I do a lot of extra cutting at home for work. I enjoy it, most of the time, but most importantly it lets me have all of the BOM we offer organized.

I probably have close to 100 bolts floating around the basement and now that I have company coming in I have had to move it all into the quilt room. Not good for moving around. So my goal is to have all of my quilt kits cut, that I have fabric for already, by the end of March. I also want all my sample done by then as well but that may be another story.

Simple What Nots - 16 (almost 29 different fabrics every month and in various sizes)
Pomegranante Lane - 10 (wool and cotton)
Plain and Fancy - 12 (normally easy yardage cuts)
Stitcher's Garden 1 - 16 (mixture of easy and small sizes)
Hampton Ridge - 10 (usually small yardage)
Modern Building Blocks - 8 kits out of brushed cotton - completed

Some kits may take me an hour and others take me 2-3 hours depending on how the pieces go and how much folding etc. I have to do.

This was some of  the wool that I had cut. I had all of it available so I just started cutting. This is actually half the blocks, the cornerstone and most of the border. It took me probably 14 hours to cut all of this, not including the felting of course.  I am now waiting on 2 more bolts of wool to finish. I can't wait for it to be done and another thing scratched off my to do list. I do think that by the time I am done with all of these I might want to take a break from kit cutting. I may not know what I will do with all of that sewing time....maybe UFO's!

I am off to cut....talk to you all later.


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