Yesterday I decided to run to JoAnn's to get some fabric to make a quick bag for my neice. I am done shopping and on my way home singing to music, nice day, window rolled down about 1/3 of the way, if that. And all of a sudden I hear this loud pop and feel something on my head. Well, by this time I am only 2 blocks away from the house, so I look in the rear view mirror and I can see something moving around in my hair. I scrunch down and pull my shirt up around my neck, since I don't want it going down my shirt, whatever it is. I then have a block left and am totally freaking out by this time. I can feel something going around the back of my head right above the shirt collar. So I proceed to take off my seat belt and fly around the last corner to the house, I come screeching into the garage and jump out of the car leaving everything, including the keys in there. I run over to my husband, who is outside sanding a table and can't hear me (come to find out he has headphones on and can't hear anything). I finally get his attention by jumping in front of him waving my arms frantically to and fro. I am screaming get it off, get it off, and of course he can't find anything and now I am covered in sawdust. He proceeds to go over to the car, which of course has all windows down and the driver side door open, and all I hear is a stomp of the foot. After I get a paper towel and give it to him, he picks up the creature and shows me that it was a bee. Now it wasn't a humongous bee and it sure as heck wasn't small, but it was a pretty good size bee none the less. I am just grateful that I didn't get stung, I don't even know if I am allergic to them. So needless to say for the rest of the night I felt like I had somthing crawling all over me.
But, this didn't stop me from getting some stuff done in the studio. I proceeded to make a bag for my 3 week old neice, so that when she goes to my mother's house she only needs that filled with clothes. It actually was easier than I thought and I have an inkling that I will be rodeoed into making some more of them. These are the only types of bags that are allowed at the junior high school here for 7th and 8th graders. Kinda silly to me but oh well.
I then decided to watch a remake of Ice Castles (still liked the original one better) so I had to find another project to do since I was up there....and out of nowhere this batik kit showed up, ok so it was in a drawer and I had to open but you know how that goes.... I was able to finish the squares today so I have also included a sneak peek of those.
Now I am on my way back up there to work on something else while Big Brother is on, family is going to watch Planet 51 and that is just not my thing, but the boys will like it.
I do have 3 charity quilt tops that I finished the other day with the blocks I won, but do I really want to cut backing and batting and quilt while it is still so hot here. My studio faces west in the evening and I don't have heavy enough curtains to block the sun yet, so it gets mighty hot in there. I think I am in the mood to start something new again, I mean come on now what is another UFO among friends, my other UFO's might just enjoy the company.
Until next time,
Sew in piece,
Hi, there! Just found your blog through Quilting Bloggers. :) Enjoyed your post, and envious of your organization!! I'm new to blogging, too. Looking forward to seeing what you create in the future!